

By Danielle Franklin 2010/9/5


是的我們現在都知道,外匯交易是有風險的。但我問你 - 什麼事是沒有風險的?你能想出一個沒有涉及任何方面的風險而能獲利的業務?是否所有公司的工作工資高且不會倒閉股票是輕而易舉的就能獲利?人們永遠不會失去他們的工作?你真的知道明天你將會做什麼



首先經紀,你必須找到一個值得信賴的外匯平台經紀,因為與您的經紀和交易平台做回應其資訊甚至超過你想像。仔細挑選交易的經紀 – 檢查它的歷史,看評價,詢問論壇和部落格,請馬上,做這些功課!這是避免受騙上當的唯一方法


槓桿』,注意槓桿的運用。雖然一些經紀人提供了 1:500甚至更高的槓桿,雖然令人垂涎,在您使用這種壓倒性的槓桿時,請真正了解您涉及的風險。
為什麼經紀人喜歡高槓桿?道理很簡單 - 槓桿越高,交給經紀商的點差越多。高槓桿利弊是,雖然機會獲得更大的利潤,也有很高的機率變成相當大的損失。必須要為您的財富負責。不要賭博,不要試圖去猜測,不要尋找不存在的交易並且堅持的風險管理計劃。

貨幣對還有一個建議是避免在同一時間內交易許多貨幣對。作為一個初學者,集中在一個貨幣對 – 了解它有關的一切,跟隨著新聞發布相關的國家和勤於作讀技術分析。我們絕對沒有必要魯莽的,而後讓您無法掌控它您選擇包含另一個貨幣對前,請作眾貨幣對中的個貨幣對。


Is Forex Trading Really That Risky?
By Danielle Franklin

You have most likely heard or maybe even experienced the risks involved in forex trading. It is not only important to realize that there are risks, but most importantly understand ways to stay out of danger. Is forex really that risky? How to keep your money secure while trading? What is the right way to trade?

Yes, forex trading is risky; we all know that by now. But let me ask you something - what isn't risky? Can you come up with one triumphant business that doesn't have any aspect of risk involved? Do all companies work tip top without crash? Are stocks a piece of a cake? Do people never lose their jobs? Do you really know what you will be doing tomorrow?

Risk is everywhere and, just like we carefully cross the street at the junction or go over the business plans with our associates on Monday mornings to avoid pitfalls, we have to learn how to control the risks in trading.

How do you manage the risks?

Broker First of all, you have to find a trustworthy forex broker, because you will reply on your broker and its trading platform more than you can even imagine. Carefully pick a broker to trade with - check its history, read reviews, ask around in forums and blogs; shortly, do your homework! This is the only way to avoid scam. Be ready to pass over several bad brokers on the way. You might even lose money while choosing the right broker. All of this is common and worth it, because at the end you will find a broker that will be your colleague instead of a rival.
Stop Loss Second significant thing to know and use is placing stop/loss orders while trading. This is a critical defense against volatile market and serious loss of money. The last thing you want is a margin call and an automatic shut down of your trade. Don't give a chance for horrible surprises and 0 balance in your trading account.
Leverage Moreover, pay attention to leverage. While some brokers offer a mouth-watering leverage of 1:500 and more, make sure that you understand the risks involved with such overwhelming ratio. Why do brokers like high leverage? Simple - the higher the leverage, the more spread (aka payment) for the broker. The dilemma with high leverage is that while there is a chance of bigger profits, there is also a high chance of considerable losses. You have to be in charge of your wealth. Don't gamble, don't try to guess, don't look for trades that aren't there and stick to your risk management plan.
Currency Pairs Another tip is to avoid trading many currency pairs at the same time. As a beginner, it is required to concentrate on one pair - learn all about it, follow the news releases of the countries involved and read technical analysis on a regular basis. There is absolutely no need to rash into something you cannot handle. Make the most of one pair before you choose to include another.
Trading Plan How exactly why and when to enter a trade. Explain out loud your motives to enter a certain market formation. Stay disciplined at all time and avoid overtrading. Remember that greed is your worst enemy!

歡迎參加免費的外匯交易講座,及訂閱電子報,我們告訴您外匯大小事! 參加為期三天的外匯交易精品培訓課程,增加您人生選擇權的大機會! 為什麼我們的學生那麼會賺錢?請來參加免費的財富自由講座喔,報名網址:http://0rz.tw/n40cO ~~~ 從事FX交易不表示絕無風險,報表回測以往之歷史績效不保證最低投資收益,我方除應盡教學之責任義務外,不負責FX之盈虧,亦不保證最低之收益,台端進行投資前應審慎評估。
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